MSM Clinical guy Dan Schwester joins the pod to discuss the SMACC conference, and rant with Ed about EMS in general.

VF arrest mindset

Cognitive offloading

High-Fidelity simulation

  • Pre-brief
  • Debrief

Stress and handling it

  • Communication under stress

“If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got.”

Build a culture within your team, do the basics well

  • Timeouts
  • Challenge, don’t threaten your team
  • Learn from every mistake and error

Leading in resuscitation: Whoever grabs the AED is the leader

Healthcare providers hesitate to start CPR and we don’t know why

Don’t rely too much on survival to discharge

Wait outside does not equate to wait inside

  • Stop the mentality of “we’re right around the corner”


  • Resus paradigm
  • Medics speaking up during SIM in London HEMS

Pre-hospital Palliative care

Patient-monitor-crew-surroundings (situational awareness)

Scene safety

  • What if you don’t have a choice
  • We don’t teach how to assess and mitigate risk
  • Just like firefighters



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