In 2011, Weingart and Levitan published a paper in Annals describing how oxygenation works during an
The more we use ketamine, the more we seem to learn about it. Recently, it
MSM 013 Assessing hypertension “Nature tops the list of potent tranquilizers and stress reducers. The
What are push dose pressors, and how do they work? When we have a patient
MSM 011 Hocus POCUS- Point of care ultrasound in EM and EMS Point-of-care ultrasound testing
MSM 010 Is Video Laryngoscopy superior to direct laryngoscopy? “If you don’t have control of
MSM 008 Emerging Trends in CPR “Take some time to learn first aid and CPR.
MS 007 Why are we still using backboards? “Long backboards are commonly used to attempt
MSM 006 Are Paramedics Obsolete? In all industries, those interested in the development and future
MSM Post 005 Why are we still using lights and sirens? Use of lights and